In the recent years, the PM Laptop Scheme 2023 has got much significance. The aim was to provide talented students with quality laptops for free on merit basis - to help students in their studies.
Unfortunately, currently the new registrations for PM Laptop Scheme 2023 are closed. But, it is expected to re-open soon. You may read this article for your knowledge.
What is PM Laptop Scheme 2023:
Originally, the free laptop scheme was launched in the era of Shahbaz Sharif in Punjab. But after, their government ended in 2018, the scheme was also closed. Then after years, Shahbaz government made a comeback - started their previous laptop scheme for eligible students.
They distributed about 100,000 free laptops on merit basis. Recently, after a statement by a government official told that they are again starting their pm free laptop scheme for talented students on merit basis.
So here is a golden chance for students to avail their free laptop under the PM Free Laptop Scheme.
Eligible Students for PM Free Laptop Scheme:
Obviously, not every student can get a laptop under the pm free laptop scheme. There is also an eligibility criteria for them to enter in the scheme.
Here is a list of students which are eligible for this scheme:
- All the students studying in the public sector universities - or degree awarding universities recognized by HEC
- Students studying in MBA degree program with time-lapse of 3.5 years, 2.5 years or 1.5 years
- Students studying in bachelor's degree program of time-lapse of 4 years or 5 years.
- Students enrolled in 18-year degree program or PhD, MS or MPhil
Keep in mind that currently Matric or FSc students are not eligible for this program.
Ineligible Students for PM Free Laptop Scheme
Still there is a number of students which are not eligible for the pm free laptop scheme even they are studying in university level education.
So here is a list for the students which are not eligible for this scheme:
- Students enrolled in private sector universities or higher education institutes
- Students enrolled in any government degree or post-graduate colleges or private colleges
- Students which have already received a free laptop under any scheme from government
- All foreign students except students from Azad Jammu and Kashmir
- Any student who has passed out the degree before the laptop distribution
Also the student must have to show the required documents and the academic performance report as a proof. Otherwise, he/she will also not considered for the scheme.
Distribution Criteria of Laptop:
When a student applies for the scheme through online portal, the system filters the eligible and ineligible applicants.
According to PM office directives, the distribution will be purely on the merit basis in each degree program.
Also there is an allocated quota for each university. For instance, there are 14,000 laptops which are allocated for the Balochistan province.
How to apply for PM Free Laptop Scheme:
The process of applying for the pm free laptop scheme is just straight forward. Students are advised to create their own profile on the Prime Minister Youth Program web portal or through mobile app - fill the required fields - submit required documents - and that's it.
Now your application will be reviewed by the system and you will be declared as eligible or ineligible.
The PM Laptop Scheme is a golden chance for the students which are really talented and want to grow themselves. The government provides laptops free of cost to the students to help them in their studies, to help them utilize their time and grow their abilities by modern technologies.
But unfortunately, most of the students misuse these free laptops and use them against the aim of the government. As a result, they becomes more dull after getting the laptops - by watching movies, playing games online - instead of reading and growing online. So this should must be stopped and student should must use these laptops where they are pretended to be used.