Recently, a Punjab Government spokesperson along with Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz announced their new initiative scheme for farmers of Punjab - Punjab Kisan Card. The aim is to provide interest free loans to the farmers to fulfill their agricultural needs. The scheme was really appreciated by the Punjab Faremrs Community. Many farmers have been applied for kisan card registration - some of them also have received their card.
But the question is that the kisan card registration is still open or closed. Here is a good news that the kisan card registration is till open in 2025. Initially, the government started registration for the year 2024-2025. But after the successful completion, the government is set to open the registration for the next year.
So, the farmers who want to get registered in kisan card scheme can now apply for the scheme.
Here is the complete process for kisan card registration.
What is Punjab Kisan Card Scheme:
The government of Punjab has launched a scheme - Punjab Kisan Card. This scheme is a great initiative for the farmers. The government has aimed to provide interest free loans to the farmers of Punjab. For this purpose, the government has allocated 9000 Crore.
The farmer will be given a bank card - may be from the Bank of Punjab. After that, the farmer can withdraw his money from the atm. The government has specified Rs 30,000 per acre. The maximum amount which a farmer can withdraw is Rs 150,000 for five acres in a season.
Also, a number of 500,000 farmers will get their card through this scheme and will be served as beneficiaries.
The farmers will be served on first come first serve basis. So hurry up, and get registered in the scheme
Eligibility Criteria For Kisan Card Registration:
Obviously, not every farmer can get registered in the kisan card scheme. Their is a specific eligibility criteria for the kisan card registration.
Complete criteria to become eligible for the scheme is given below:
Land Requirement:
The applicant must hold an agricultural land between 1 acre to 12.5 acres
Residential Status:
A beneficiary must be a permanent resident of Punjab with a valid CNIC card.
Land Records:
The applicant must own and have all the land records in the PLRA - Punjab Land Record Authority.
Sim Data:
How to Apply for Kisan Card Registration:
According to government directives, all the registration processes will be carried out online. The process is just simple and sound.
An applicant just has to send his cnic as a text message to 8070 - make sure you have some balance in your sim which will be deducted as tax. The sms should be in the following format:
Open your write message section and type the following text "pkc<space>your cnic" and send this text to 8070.
But before apply make sure that you have checked your eligibility according to the given instructions mentioned above.
The scheme is highly appreciated in the farmers community - and also it should be appreciated. Because it is a step for the excellence of farmers. And also all the beneficiary farmers should use the money for their agricultural needs - for purchasing fertilizers and seeds as directed by the government. And not use the money for personal use. Because it is a great initiative for our farmers to grow their crops as well as their country.